International Center for Promotion of Enterprises - ICPE
The International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) is a intergovernmental organization, with its headquarter in Slovenia set up on a United Nations initiative in 1974, with member countries from Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe, mandated to pursue and promote international cooperation in areas related to the transfer of technology, sustainable entrepreneurship and promotion of knowledge-based societal change through research, training, consultancy an information services in these fields.
Knowledge Economy Network - KEN
Knowledge Economy Network (KEN) has evolved from the European Regional Economic Forum (EREF), which started its activities in 2005 with an annual Forum organised in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. It grew into an informal network of 16 European regions and countries, interested in boosting their knowledge-based competitiveness, exchanging good practice, encouraging collaboration and implementing new knowledge into innovative products. Also, the Network facilitated active dialogue between policy makers and the Triple Helix stakeholders. Finally, it supported better utilization of European Union funds for innovative projects. End of 2010 KEN was established and is now registered in Brussels as a non-profit association. This is our response to a larger, global need to enhance and support efforts to build knowledge economy, not only at European, but at truly international level. Europe still has many assets to improve its competitiveness, but has become a different global player and needs to learn more from other dynamic economies.
The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe - IDM
The IDM was founded in 1953 as the "Research Institute for Issues of the Danube Region". As an Austrian scientific institution, it was dedicated specifically to research on the Danube region. In 1993, the Institute was renamed as the "Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe" (IDM). Today, the IDM is an extramural research institution based on an association – constituted by individual and corporate members – with its head office in Vienna. The Institute is funded by the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the Federal Ministries of Science and Research, of Education, the Arts and Culture, of European and International Affairs and of Economics and Labour, as well as by individual provinces, cities, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, the Federation of Austrian Industry, the Austrian Central Bank and private sponsors.
Politehnika Pula - University of Applied Sciences is the unique Polytechnic in Croatia. It was established in 2000. by Istrian county.Polytechnic is situated in the centre of town near amphitheatre. It represents a cultural monument built in XIX century in neo-classicistic style. The basic aim of this Polytechnic of Pula is to educate modern and multidisciplinary experts in concordance with world's standards. This aim provide reputable scientists, research assistants and professors who are professionally active at major company such as "HEP" (Croatian electric-power industry), "Uljanik" (Croatian shipyard), etc. Since there is no similar faculty in Croatia, some parts of program and some groups of subjects are comparing and coordinating with programs which perform in Europe Universities such as Fachhochschule Furtwangen, Fachhochschule Augsburg, Hochschule Bremen Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Leicester Politecnic, ETH Zurich, etc. The Polytechnic of Pula works closely with business and industry and, particularly in the fields of Producing and Engineering, has established links with company research and development programmes.
Institute of Economic Sciences Belgrade - IES
IES – INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES (founded in 1958) is a non-profit academic think-tank institution, owned by Republic of Serbia with 52 years of significant researches and analyses in various fields of economic sciences. IES field of activities is very broad, starting from macroeconomic studies elaboration, projections, forecasting, to international economic relation analysis, world economic and trade surveys, studies and strategies on economic, regional, and sustainable development, sector economic policies, as well as a large number of projects for economic subjects in almost all economic fields.
Lombardy Foundation for the Environment - FLA
Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente (Lombardy Foundation for the Environment, FLA) is a “nonprofit scientific foundation” established in 1986 by the Lombardy Regional Council after the dioxin emission accident which occurred at the ICMESA plant near Seveso in 1976. In more than 20 years of activity, FLA has acquired a wide-ranging environmental knowledge, which has strictly focused on major environmental protection topics and has allowed FLA to promote and complete a great number of projects: these achievements have gained FLA its current role as a leading institution in research and promulgation on a regional and national level.
Podjetje Robotina d.o.o. je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1990 in kot svojo osnovno dejavnost opredelilo avtomatizacijo proizvodnih procesov. Že leta 1991 je podjetje dognalo, da je popolna ponudba kvalitetne opreme na domačem trgu bistvenega pomena in po temeljiti analizi je bila sprejeta odločitev za vstop v strateško partnerstvo z nekaterimi izmed vodilnih svetovnih ponudnikov tehnologij za nadzor. Po prvem desetletnem obdobju je obseg poslovanja pripeljal do reorganizacije podjetja. Leta 2000 so bili vzpostavljeni neodvisni oddelki, kot so proizvodnja strojev, upravljanje stavb, nadzor proizvodnih procesov v industriji, projektiva in prodajni oddelek. Robotina ne ponuja le izdelkov, temveč tudi storitve in s tem celovite rešitve. Avtomatizaciji proizvodnje se je z leti pridružila avtomatizacija procesov v kovinsko- predelovalni industriji, tekstilni industriji, transportu in v številnih drugih vejah industrije, vključno z aplikacijami na področju varnostnih sistemov in energetike. MES in industrijske IT rešitve smiselno dopolnjujejo ponudbo podjetja.Z nadaljnjim razvojem na področju tehnologije in organizacije je Robotina postala vodilni ponudnik na področju tehnologij nadzora sončnih elektrarn, trajnostnih stavb, sistemov obnovljivih virov energije in industrijske avtomatizacije. Razvila je več blagovnih znamk, vključno s Smart Green znamko, ki označuje najsodobnejše tehnologije kontrolnih sistemov za zelene rešitve.
Ekoindeks predstavlja nov poslovni model, ki omogoča spremljanje neposrednih učinkov delovanja družbe BTC na okoljskem področju. Vrednosti ekoindeksa se merijo in so javno objavljene na portalu Predstavljajo spodbudo in motivacijski dejavnik k odgovornejšemu ravnanju. Vrednost ekoindeksa je sestavni del letnega poslovnega načrta družbe BTC. Za njegov razvoj in spremljanje skrbi ekipa, ki je sestavljena iz odgovornih oseb na področju prodaje, stikov z javnostjo, razvoja in organizacije in kontrolinga. Ekipa zbere in ovrednoti projekt ter, pripravi poročilo za upravo, le-ta ga pregleda in potrdi. Vodstvo družbe ekoindeks zaznava kot enega izmed ključnih kriterijev za spremljanje in ocenjevanje uspešnosti družbe.
Papilot Institute for Enhancement and Development of Quality of Life
IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility
ISRBC - International Sava River Basin Commission