Spoštovana, spoštovani, vabimo vas na okroglo mizo z naslovom
Security and Tolerance in the Balkans
Govorci bodo
Albert Maes, ,Feffrey Levett, Ljubiša Adamović
Dr. Albert Maes (Belgija) je bivši veleposlanik EU v Beogradu, Bangkoku in Tel Avivu. Je častni profesor politologije in ekonomije na Univerzi v Namurju (Belgija) ter profesor na ECPD Beograd.Je tudi podpredsednik Akademskega sveta ECPD.
Dr. Jeffrey Levett (Grčija) je direktor ECPD Regionalnega Inštituta v Skopju, profesor na ECPD Beograd, gostujoči profesor na medicinskih univerzah po svetu. Je mednarodno uveljavljen strokovnjak za sistemsko teorijo v povezavi z biološkimi sistemi; veliko se ukvarja tudi z managementom v zdravstvu.
Akademik prof. dr. Ljubiša Adamović (Srbija) je predavatelj in dekan Podiplomskih študij na European Center for Peace and Development v okviru United Nations' University for Peace. Bil je profesor na beograjski Ekonomski fakulteti in profesor na Florida State University. Bil je gostujoči profesor na vseh kontinentih, razen Avstralije. Je avtor številnih znanstvenih publikacij in nosilec mnogih visokih priznanj.
Okrogla miza bo v angleškem jeziku in bo
v torek, 26. oktobra 2010, ob 16.00
v Okrogli dvorani v pritličju poslovne stolpnice, Trg republike 3, Ljubljana
Vljudno vabljeni!
Janez Podobnik dr.med. |
dr. Jožef Kunič |
direktor ECPD v Ljubljani |
predsednik SDMO |
Uvodni nagovor g. Podobnika:
Welcome Address for the Round Table: SECURITY AND TOLERANCE IN THE BALKANS, Ljubljana 26. October 2010
Ladies and gentlemen, dear guests,
I am honored to welcome you in the name of the ECPD International Institute for Sustainable Development from Ljubljana.
I have accepted with great joy the proposal by dr Jože Kunič, the President of Slovenian Association for International Relations, to organize this round table.
And please let me remind that it has been precisely one year since our Institute organized its first public event in Slovenia together with National Council of Slovenia, titled: 'Time after the crisis: An opportunity or a necessity for sustainable development?'
The ECPD headquarters in Belgrade, the founder of our Institute and a Regional Centre of the United Nations University for Peace, has been annualy in the past six years organizing the international conference ''National and Inter-Ethnic Reconciliation, Religious Tolerance and Human Security in the Balkans''. This two-day conference will begin tomorrow evening and we are very happy to have dr Kunič as one of the panelists. Despite great efforts this year's conference unfortunately won't be taking place in Slovenia – Ljubljana, but will once again be held on the Brioni island.
Let us understand this round table in Ljubljana as a good introduction to the Brioni conference.
I am honored to have been able, in the name of ECPD and with great help of the ECPD Director dr. Ostojić and Bojan Starec, bring here today the distinguished guests: dr Albert Maes, dr Jeffrey Levett and dr Ljubiša Adamović. And I must also stress that, before we leave tomorrow for Brioni island, dr Albert Maes will in the name of ECPD sign an agreement on cooperation with the Ljubljana University, represented by the Chancellor dr Stane Pejovnik.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to conclude with the thought that security and tolerance are one of the most important preconditions for healthy development of the Balkan countries and for the well-being of their citizens. But let's not forget, that successful development cannot be made without sustainable principles and policies in all their dimensions.
I wish you a fruitful discussion!
Thank You
Janez Podobnik
ECPD Institute, Director